My Comic is almost finished – just 15 more pages to draw then I have to place word balloons etc.. The End is Nigh… wait, is that right?…
Currently I am now ten pages into my last chapter of “Obsidian” formerly known as “The Black Knight.” Here is the opening chapter image.
From time to time I take odd jobs and many in “The Arts” do. Today I was Alec Baldwin’s hand double. We shot MOS (without sound) and this is what a fly on the wall would have heard today, I kid you not — Director: Okay now stroke it… up […]
Awww, Nuts!
Here’s a first. A comment from an art director… “The guy behind a hero seems to have a bit of a private part (penis) outline. Can we make that more subtle?” I don’t know… can he?
The Economics of Being An Artist
Economist Thomas Sowell defines “Economics” as “… the use of resources (or goods) which have alternative values.” We refer to much of those goods as Commodities. The most recklessly used commodity isn’t oil, water or even food coloring. It is something we all have and regardless what science fiction conjures […]
Hell Yeah!
Once again I have not posted for a while. The thing is, I have a short that is being produced starring Kipp Shiotani, Jennifer Aquino Shiotani and Peter Shinkoda and yes, if you watch “Daredevil” yeah… that’s the dude! Watching the monitor in the photo above, Art Chudabala directing the […]
What’s In A Name?
When I first came up with my hero he bore a resemblance to Abe Lincoln, however after the story was developed it became clear, that a man fighting dragons should be considered a knight. Since this hero was black, well, his name would be obvious. I knew Marvel already had a […]
Getting Close
Since I’m not finished with the comic yet but some of it is, I thought I would post an “almost finished” pic. I’m thinking my background line work needs to be thinned out quite a bit to make the dinos and dragons stand out.
Busy, busy, busy – Part II
Once again, I have a lot on my plate with no time to blog. Image above are from the storyboards for “The Pawn.”
Is Work Kicking Your Ass?
Last night at my freelance gig myself and another artist were waiting to be released. “Can you hold on a minute for a couple of minor tweaks?” Of course we said yes and thus entered the first phase of overtime, where one thinks, “I’m almost out of here — please […]