No, not on tables, and not on another surgery. I emerged from the operation room Stone Free and on my way to full recovery thank you. Feeling so good that I managed to almost finish my graphic novel cover you see before you. I need to tweak it a bit, but basically it’s finished unless of course a publisher tells me otherwise. “Is that what I’m waiting for?” you ask. Nope. I have sent the rough of the whole story out for critic to family and friends, pros and amateurs and I have to tell you, it’s depressing as all hell. You see for two months I’ve been trudging along, with purpose, enjoying every minute of my creating and better yet, in control of the experience. I alone decided if or not to work on my pet project, giving myself a sense of empowerment that has been robbed of me from the moment I sent my rough cut off. Now I sit and wait. Sure I fill my time thinking of other projects, spending time with friends, tonight I’m going to the movies even but man let me tell you, I am completely powerless in getting somebody, anybody to read my stuff! Okay, it’s not that bad, one friend was halfway through after two days and said he already has notes. But that was two days ago and now I’m here… waiting… .